Natural nutrition for health
DIET COACHING SESSIONS WITH ILONA WŁODARCZYKDiet based on natural and conscious nutrition is the first step towards healthy life style, full of joy and energy. Thanks to innovative and comprehensive support of diet coaching you’re going to work out suitable nutritional plan. You’re going to develop consciousness and build motivation to face everyday challenges effortlessly
and with joy.
Diet Coachingu benefits
development of conscious nutrition
change of attitude to nutrition and personal behavior, beliefs and habits related to eating
knowledge about needs of the body nutrition and physical activity
ability to control eating and emotions
knowledge about healthy eating
vitality, harmony and well-being
practical application and long-term effects
Diet coaching is a series of sessions- conversations, where client successively develops their ability in new, healthy nutrition and life style.
The goal of diet coaching is to inspire, motivate to change eating behavior and put them into practice. The coach is the specialist in the human nutrition filed. Helps the client to understand nutritional needs, expands their knowledge in this topic and creates suitable nutritional plan. The coach supports the client in the changing process.
Our offer
• 6 sessions (50 minutes each)
• Duration: 8 weeks
• Cost of a single meeting: 150 PLN
set 9 “progress”
• 9 sessions (50 minutes each)
• Duration: 11 weeks
• Cost of a single meeting: 150 PLN
• 12 sessions (50 minut each)
• Duration: 14 weeks
• Cost of a single meeting: 150 PLN
If you’re ready for a change and you’d like to know how to make it happen, fill out and send us the application form below.
Our recepies
8. Almond Butter
Ingredients: 25 dkg of good quality almonds Preparation: Put almonds in baking form and toast in the oven for about 20 minutes in 150° C so that they are well heated. Then blend small portions of almonds in container blender with knife for grinding nuts. Grind blend...
7. Lentil cream with coconut milk
Ingredients: 25 dkg of red lentil 1,2 l of water 1 big onion 1 big parsley root ½ a celery 2 carrots 1 small package of coconut milk (200 ml) salt or soy sauce 1 flat small spoon of ground turmeric 1 flat small spoon of curry 200 ml of mirin Preparation: Cover lentils...
4. Dry chokeberry jelly
Ingredients: 4 portions 1l of sugarless chokeberry juice 2,5 small spoon of agar-agar powder 2 pears a pinch of ground carnations Preparation: Jelly: Pour almost all of the juice to the pot and boil it. Mix the rest of the juice with agar in a cup so that it will...
6. Quinoa with Brazil or hazelnut butter
Ingredients: for 1 person 5 table spoons of quinoa 1 big table spoon of Brazilian nut or hazelnut butter a handful of finely chopped arugula or dill Preparation: Pour quinoa with a mug of hot water and cook on medium heat for 5 min. Then, lower the heat and cook for...